Riotir Services

Awnings and Cowlings

We manufacture all kinds of awnings, HGV/cowlings, HGV/roofs, tarpaulins and canvas covers with different weights and colours. All work is carried out with the highest professionalism and dedication to a better protection and safety of your goods. We do various different works in canvas for small and large vehicles, swimming pools, boats, balconies, terraces, stages, tents, awnings, etc.). In the HGV area, we manufacture Fire Resistant Cowlings, Anti-Theft Cowlings, cowlings and roofs under XL STANDARD, ISOFLEX Isothermal Ceilings, Isothermal Partitions.


We design and assemble a ”RAIL TECH” sliding system developed by our company, which can be applied to any type of load. It allows quick, easy and effective handling. This system also offers better protection for your goods.

Cutting Vinyl

With our cutting plotters we can cut out colour or printed stickers. This process is a variant of the vinyl printing. In addition to colour or image, we can give any shape to the material. This allows us to offer a varied number of services. This process is ideal for: Advertising in Rigid Box Semi-trailers, Cereal Boxes/Moving Floor, Tippers, Letterings for shop window decoration, letterings or stickers for vehicles, stickers, wall stickers, etc...

Digital Printing

The quality and speed of printing combined with the fact that we can print the copies required without minimum quantities are some of the great advantages of this method. We print in large and small formats using different materials such as: Transparent Vinyl, Micro-perforated Vinyl, Frosted Vinyl, Regular Vinyl, Canvas and Fabrics. This wide range of materials makes digital printing usable in many different works: Interior and exterior decoration, shop windows, outdoors, muppis, vehicles decoration, billboards, screens, signage, etc…

Tents and Structures

We offer a wide variety of sizes, shapes and configurations options in Galvanized Iron Structures. You can meet your needs quickly and in an affordable manner. All our products are designed and developed internally, using our experience and knowledge. We are able to develop solutions with excellent finishes, resistant and able to adapt to any challenge proposed by our clients.


We chose Riotir as a business partner for the provision of tarpaulins with advertising for our semi-trailers because it offers what we want: good quality/price supported by a dedicated team. TS EUREKA recommends Riotir.

TS Eureka

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+351 243 995 931